Skinny Coffee Club – Review

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In October I received this little brown package from Skinny Coffee Club. Admittedly, I was not too sure what to expect from this product, but I am an avid coffee drinker and like to stay in shape so I thought this coffee might compliment my fitness routine. Skinny Coffee Club is an organic, fine grind coffee made of natural ingredients like matcha, ginseng, spirulina and garcinia cambogia. You only need to drink one cup a day (suggested in the morning) throughout your 28 day program.

Now onto my Skinny Coffee Club experience… does this stuff really work?

My answer is yes. I am not on a journey to lose a significant amount of weight, but I did see my waistline get smaller in less than a week of drinking Skinny Coffee Club. Though the program consists of drinking the coffee everyday for 28 days straight, I had the coffee 5 times a week over 6 weeks and still saw results from the product. I noticed that body parts that tend to carry more water weight and bloat (stomach, legs) were much tighter after I started drinking the coffee.

So how does it taste and does it give you energy like normal coffee? For taste, it’s definitely not as strong as your average coffee and has a bit of an earthy taste (perhaps due to the fact that it’s all natural). That is not to say it tastes bad though, the coffee still has a good flavour to it. The packaging suggests you can use sweetener or almond milk if needed, but my personal preference for coffee is black so I drank it as is. For energy, it gave me a little bit of a boost in the morning, but this usually died down by lunch time and I would have to go for a regular cup of coffee. To get a stronger flavour and more caffeine out of my morning coffee, I sometimes made a weak cup of regular coffee and then steeped Skinny Coffee Club in it for a few minutes.

My overall thoughts on the Skinny Coffee Club 28 day weight loss program? It does work, so if you are looking for a weight loss fix where you don’t need to spend hours at the gym everyday then this is for you! Also, when you purchase a Skinny Coffee Club package you receive a free eating and exercise plan. It’s important to keep in mind that the most sustainable approach to weight loss is not just using quick fix products for short periods of time, but rather changing your lifestyle as a whole. Healthy living and healthy eating are the only true ways to achieve long term weight loss.

If you are interesting in trying Skinny Coffee Club you can buy it here and  use my discount code LARAVOGLER20 for 20% off your purchase. Let me know in the comments if you plan on trying it or if you’ve tried it before!